Confirmation preparation usually takes place through the Catholic Schools when children reach the age of eleven. For those children who have been baptised and received their first Holy Communion but do not go to Catholic schools the parish organises special classes with a catechist  at mutually convenient times. It is expected that the candidates will have at least two months of classes before being confirmed.

The lessons cover the usual Confirmation topics - the seven sacraments, the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, the parish community etc. It is also hoped that the young candidate will discover a deeper understanding of the power of prayer and the validity of the Scriptures in their lives. The basic aim is to lead them to a more intimate union with Jesus Christ.

Anyone wishing for more information please contact Fr. Richard or Deacon John.


Anyone wishing to be baptised or to be received into the Catholic Church having been baptised in another denomination, perhaps as an infant, should contact Fr. Richard. Courses are usually held annually under the rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults (see "Becoming a Catholic").