Vatican II

The Council that Shook the Church

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What made John XXIII call a Council?

by  Monsignor Patrick Kilgarriff

Mgr Patrick KilgarriffMgr Pat Kilgarriff was a seminarian at Oscott College in Birmingham, while the 2nd Vatican Council was taking place. "It was an exciting time" says Pat, "and I thank God for it."  In more recent times he was the Rector at the English College in Rome.

His talk looks at the deep roots that preceded the Council; the influence of Pope Pius XII and the Second World War and even earlier times such as the Council of Trent.


Please Note: These talks were originally given during Lent 2012

Each talk is in mp3 format. Right click on the link to save the file to your computer.

Duration ~ 40 min

Broadband download times are typically 1-3 mins but are much longer for dialup connections.

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The Universal Call to Holiness:
the Spirituality of Vatican II

by Canon John Udris

Canon John UdrisCanon John Udris is spiritual director at Oscott College and has made a special study of the spirituality of St Therese of Lisieux.

"Be perfect" (Matthew 5.48). The council highlighted this call as not just for a few but for everyone. What is this call? Where does it come from? How can we answer it?




Duration ~32 min


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The Hermeneutic of Continuity

by  Francis Mohan

Francis Mohan Francis Mohan has a long-standing interest and involvement in Catholic Social Teaching and has a particular interest in the Vatican II document "Gaudium et Spes" (Joy and Hope)

Francis has taught Philosophy of Religion for 24 years and is a regular contributor to Catholic Life on topics of ecclesiastical culture and heritage. In this talk he will look at the contrasting interpretations of Vatican II.



Duration ~36 min


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The Unfinished Business of Vatican II:

by  Fr Julian Green

Fr Julian GreenThe aim of the Second Vatican Council was to give a new awakening to the life of the Church, and its openness to the world. However, it was left to the Pope of the Council, Paul VI, to proclaim Evangelization to be the heart of the Church's mission in every place, ten years after the Council finished. It has become the lasting fruit of the Council, as it is at the heart of the teaching of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

Fr Julian is lecturer in Ecclesiology, the theology on what the Church is, which is at the heart of the teaching of Vatican II, at Oscott College and the Maryvale Institute.




Duration ~48 min


Q & A Session
Duration ~26 min

Please note that the talks have been lightly edited to remove extraneous sounds.
Q and A sessions are not included because the audience audio levels were too low.
Technical glitches may have introduced one or two small discontinuities, but we
hope that these will not impair your enjoyment of these talks.